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Mr. Bean

On one Sunday morning, Mr Bean found two packages for him. And there was a letter for Mrs Wicket. The letter said that Mrs Wicket should pay £200 but she didn't have any money. Mr Bean went to his room and opened them. They were his picture of the queen and his video of the queen. 

Mr Bean sat and watched the video. It was the scene that the queen chose the pattern of the wall paper. The queen chose the yellow and green walls so Mr Bean removed the past wall paper and painted the walls yellow and made the green patterns with Teddy. He also dyed his curtains red. His room really looked like the queen's room!

At the same time, Mrs Wicket and her friend, Mary talked about money. Mrs Wicket only had £2 although she needed £200. 

Mr Bean made the gate which said "the Palace". Then the American man saw it and entered the house. He was Brad. Brad came into Mr Bean's room and looked around his room. Mrs Wicket and Mary wondered what happened in Mr Bean's room. Mrs Wicket didn't know the room condition so she got angry but she hit upon the great idea. 

They open his room to get money from people visit there. Then many people visited his room and Mrs Wicket got much money from them but she didn't gave any money to Mr Bean. 

Mr Bean watched the video of the queen that night. The queen in the video said that she was bored her yellow and green walls. Then she changed her walls brown ones. Mr Bean changed his walls brown, again. 

Next day, nobody paid money to Mrs Wicket because the room was far from the queen's room. Mrs Wicket was angry but Mr Bean was happy with brown walls.

